How to work abroad - My Curriculum

This course is focused on designing a good curriculum in English for any area.

$ 1.00 

Individual classes, group of 3 or group of 5 people.

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About the course

During this workshop, you will:

Establish a goal;

Define the design of your CV,

Choose what sections you will include in your CV

Indispensable sections

Contact Information
Resume Summary or Resume Objective
Work Experience

Optional sections

Hobbies & Interests
Publications (If you’re a writer or academic)
Volunteering Experience
Extracurricular Activities

How to Format your CV content

  1. Contact Information
  2. Summary or objectives
  3. Work Experience
  4. Education
  5. Skills
  6. Languages
  7. Optional sections
  8. Things you should not add to your CV
    • Your exact address...
    • Irrelevant social media profiles
    • Too much work history and so on...

What will you learn

It's simple.

  1. First You choose the design by theme, and here are your options, to get started:


  • Professional
  • Modern
  • Minimalist
  • Creative
  • Corporate
  • Black and white
  • Feminine


  • Business
  • Black
  • Marketing
  • Education
  • Portfolio
  • Design
  1. Answer the questionary sent to your WhatsApp, it will help us find the most suitable professional to help you with your CV.
  1. That is it, are you ready for the next step? In the next step, you meet and have a conversation with our teacher or specialist that matched your profile. The teacher will help you to develop your CV, checking the grammar, logic and dynamic of your CV, you can also assure the quality of the design.
  2. Cover letter is optional

Results after course completion

Key takeaways

This workshop is destined for you who are willing to grow p in your career, It is an end-to-end solution that goes from scratch to PDF or mp4 versions of your CV.

It is recommended for students starting from the intermediate level.

What our students say

Bradesco employee speaks about unlock
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My classes with Unlock are very good, I'm learning a lot about the financial world and English terms. I want to be fluent by the end of the year, and I think it's possible.

Sabrina Oliveira
Trade Intern at Bradesco
Mateus is one of unlock students
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Unlock's a mixing of fun and learning. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their English skills, whether for personal growth or professional advancement. It's about opening doors to a world of opportunities.

Mateus M. Cordeiro
Software Engineer at Pilar
$ 1.00 

Individual classes, group of 3 or group of 5 people.

Schedule class
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Lifetime Access
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Access From Any Computer, Tablet or Mobile