Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Guide - Parts of The Body (EN-PT)

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Guide - Parts of The Body (EN-PT)


BJJ worldwide

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) has experienced significant growth worldwide, evolving from a relatively unknown martial art to a mainstream discipline with practitioners and schools in various countries.

BJJ in Dubai

It has gained significant popularity in Dubai, with various academies and training centres offering high-quality instruction and facilities for practitioners of all levels. At Unlock, we provide total support to BJJ athletes who are willing to live in Dubai or are already living in the City of Gold or the UAE.

Parts of The Body (PT-EN)

  • Hips – Quadril
  • Throat – Garganta/ Go-gó
  • Neck – Pescoço
  • Foot – Pé
  • Head – Cabeça
  • Shoulder – Ombro
  • Knees – Joelhos
  • Knee – Joelho
  • Toes – Dedos do pé
  • Shoulder Blade – Omoplata
  • Ribs - Costelas
  • Ankle – Tornozelo
  • Calf – Pantorrilha
  • Arm – Braço
  • Forearm – Antebraço
  • Belly – Barriga
  • Hand – Mão
  • Fingers – Dedos
  • Thumb – Polegar
  • Back – Costas
  • Elbow – Cotovelo
  • Heel – Calcanhar
  • Waist – Cintura
  • Chin – Queixo
  • Bone – Osso
  • Ear – Orelha
  • Shin – Canela
  • Joint – Articulação
  • Eyes – Olhos
  • Nose – Nariz
  • Wrist – Pulso
  • Ligament – Ligamento
  • Armpit – Axila

This article would not be written if it wasn't the support of our community, this list includes Leticia (blue belt) and Euzebio (black belt)

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