Guil Previati

Guil Previati


Education enthusiast, I am the founder of Unlock, working so that our members can unlock their inner genius


Guil Previati

A guy in my thirties, who came from Osasco, a city in Brazil.
Well, my name is Guilherme and since I was a child I knew what I wanted: to do something different, improve the human condition, helping to transform the world into a better place for everyone. Well, if I want to make the world a better place, shouldn't I start with myself?

The method.
The result of a better self is better actions, better human relationships, and better habits. Everything I used for myself became part of the Unlock method, which consists of using the Unlock Participatory Teaching Method, a highly engaging approach for students that leads to better long-term memory and a deeper understanding of the subject, also helping to develop skills for the digital age, such as problem-solving and critical thinking.

I am an education enthusiast.
I honestly believe that every human being has an inner genius waiting to be unlocked. Although it requires some work, and I'm nowhere near that, I learn from my students, collaborators and clients and also offer them my own tricks of the trade, and that's what motivates me.

What will you see in my classes?
Creatively oriented dialogues, communication techniques, business topics, trends, curiosities about the world, music, travel, controversies and taboos.