Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Guide - Positions (EN-PT)

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Guide - Positions (EN-PT)


BJJ's emphasis on self-defense, practical techniques, and ground fighting has resonated with individuals seeking a comprehensive martial art applicable in real-world situations, regardless of size or strength


  • Posture – Postura
  • Look Up – Olha Pra Cima
  • Escape the Hips – Fugir de Quadril/Fuga de Quadril
  • Underhook – Esgrima
  • Slide – Escorrega
  • Turtle – De Quatro Apoios
  • Turn on All Fours – Vira De Quatro/ Virada de Quatro
  • Arm Bar – Chave de Braço/  Arm-lock
  • Knee Bar – Chave de Perna Reta/ Chave de Joelho/ Leg-lock
  • Foot Lock – Chave de pé
  • Straight Footlock – “Botinha”/ Chave de Pé Reta
  • Americana – Americana
  • Kimura – Kimura
  • Single Arm Kimura – Chave de Polícia
  • Side Control – Cem Kilos/ Controle Lateral
  • Full Guard – Guarda
  • Closed Guard – Guarda Fechada
  • Half Guard – Meia Guarda
  • Half Spider Guard – Meia Aranha
  • Spider Guard – Guarda Aranha
  • Butterfly Guard – Guarda de Ganchos/ Guarda Borboleta
  • Guard Pass – Passagem de Guarda
  • Stack Guard Pass – Passagem de Bandeja/ Emborcada
  • Mount – Montada
  • Triangle – Triângulo
  • Arm Triangle – Triângulo de Braço/ Kata gatame
  • RNC – Mata-Leão
  • Guillotine – Guilhotina
  • To Roll – Rolar
  • Forward Roll – Rolamento
  • Grips -Pegadas
  • Throw – Queda
  • Take down – Derrubar
  • Double Leg – Baiana
  • Hook – Gancho
  • Pull – Puxe
  • Push – Empurre
  • Escape – Fuga
  • Sweep – Raspagem
  • Choke – Estrangulamento
  • Clock Choke – Estrangulamento Relógio
  • Loop Choke – Estrangulamento Rodado
  • Cross Choke – Estrangulamento Cruzado
  • Peruvian Necktie – Gravata Peruana
  • Japanese Necktie – Gravata Japonesa
  • Wristlock – Mão de Vaca
  • On top – Por cima
  • Above – Acima
  • Below, Beneath – Debaixo, Por Baixo
  • Warmup – Aquecimento
  • Toe Hold – Mata-Leão no Pé
  • North South – Norte Sul
  • Sit Up – Sentar
  • Grab – Agarrar
  • Seat Belt Grip – Pegada Mão com Mão

The structured organization within the BJJ community, including international tournaments, grading systems, and standardized training methods, has enhanced its legitimacy and credibility, attracting serious athletes and martial artists.

The BJJ community in Dubai is vibrant, with options for both group and private lessons, allowing individuals to develop their skills under the guidance of experienced coaches and world champions.

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