It is a new dawn it's a new day by Manuela Praxedes

It is a new dawn it's a new day by Manuela Praxedes


Today, I tell you a little about my experience living in other countries. Hope to help.

After a year living between Portugal and Spain, I can talk about missing my country, the Brazilian people, my friends, my old routine and even my crazy life working in São Paulo, the biggest city in Brazil.

We only have an idea of what it's like to live abroad, and normally, people believe that everything is very easy and happens very quickly.

This way of thinking is wrong, life outside your country is really challenging, you have to learn simple things again such as: new habits, new laws, country customs (so as not to seem strange), learn to do simple things in the supermarket, like shopping new products instead of the ones you normally find.

There will also be days when you feel alone and miss being with your friends and family. Nothing will replace what you left behind. This feeling accompanies you every day, but good things will also happen, you will learn new things in your life and for yourself. And you will carry this challenging experience and its lessons throughout your life. Being away from the nest made me gain bigger wings, to achieve bigger goals.  Enjoy!

Feeling grateful